
The Law Library has an extensive collection of fully up to date legal text books. In addition we have several niche legal resources not readily available elsewhere, and these are listed at the foot of this page

Each month new books are selected for the Library from the vast number which are published. All new books added are published in the news section and resources section of the website.

Suggestions from Library members are also welcomed.

Loaning books

Books, Law Reports, Journals and Legislation are all available for loan. The loan period is two days.

Items can be renewed for a further two days by contacting the Librarian via telephone or email, providing they have not been requested by another member.

Books can be reserved for when they have been returned.

Fines are charged at 10p per day per book for the first week.
Thereafter, 20p per day per book.

Research Facility

Any printed items, photocopies or emails provided will be chargeable at a small rate. email requests are also charged at a small rate please ask on request.

For example:

  • Chitty on Contracts
  • McGregor on Damages
  • Gore Browne on Companies
  • Muir Hunter on Personal Insolvency

The Library also has access to to Lexisnexis, Parliamentary papers, Commonwealth cases and Westlaw as well as other online services whilst in the Library.

The Library holds a substantial collection and listed below is a small selection of the titles available both in hard copy and online.

For more information, or if a book is not listed below please contact the Librarians on:

Tel. 0161 236 6312 or Email: or

Recent Additions

HSE and Environment Agency Prosecution
Corporate Manslaughter, HSE, HSE prosecutions, Health & Safety
Appleby, M, Smail, L, Waters, C
Publisher, ISBN etc:

Health and Safety HSE Prosecutions Environment

More info

Mental Health Act Manual 27th ed- ONLINE ALSO
Health, Mental Health, Social Welfare, capacity
Jones, R
Publisher, ISBN etc:
Sweet & Maxwell

More info

An Introduction to English Legal History 5th ed
Administration of Justice, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law
Sir John Baker
Publisher, ISBN etc:

More info

Waite & Jewell: Environmental Law in Property Transactions 4th ed
Fogleman, V, Jones, G, Waite, A
Publisher, ISBN etc:

Environment Property Transactions

More info

Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights 4th ed
Human Rights
Fenwick, H, Phillipson, G, Williams, A
Publisher, ISBN etc:

Public Law Human Rights  

More info

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